Census Charts Index > Households & Families for Idaho

Idaho Census Data: Households & Families

Household and Family statistics for Idaho counties are shown in this easy-to-read table and chart combination.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census.

Idaho Census Data: Households & Families
LocationTotal householdsPercent of total householdsAverage population per-Location
Family householdsNonfamily households
TotalWith own children under 18 yearsType of familyTotalHouseholder living aloneHouseholdFamily
Married couple familyFemale householder, no husband presentTotal65 years and over
United States


68.132.851.712.231.925.89.22.593.14United States


Ada Co.113,40868. Co.
Adams Co.1,42172.628.063.35.727.423.29.92.422.83Adams Co.
Bannock Co.27,19270.736.556.710.029.322.87.62.693.20Bannock Co.
Bear Lake Co.2,25975.738.866.96.424.322.212.12.813.33Bear Lake Co.
Benewah Co.3,58070.931.358.47.729. Co.
Bingham Co.13,31780.444.666.79.819.617. Co.
Blaine Co.7,78062.231.951.27.237.827.35.52.402.96Blaine Co.
Boise Co.2,61672.630.762.55.827.421.86.12.522.93Boise Co.
Bonner Co.14,69369.930.658.67.530. Co.
Bonneville Co.28,75374.640.662.09.325.421.47.82.833.33Bonneville Co.
Boundary Co.3,70772.834.161.47.527. Co.
Butte Co.1,08973.732.863.27.426.323.610.92.643.14Butte Co.
Camas Co.39672.530.865.24.527.522.28.32.492.92Camas Co.
Canyon Co.45,01875.439.860.710.124.619.88.42.853.28Canyon Co.
Caribou Co.2,56077.339.669.35.222.720.410.32.833.29Caribou Co.
Cassia Co.7,06077.742.465.28.822.319.59.52.993.46Cassia Co.
Clark Co.34075.645. Co.
Clearwater Co.3,45671.828.960.56.928. Co.
Custer Co.1,77067.629.960.14.432.427.711.32.412.96Custer Co.
Elmore Co.9,09275.343.064.17.524.720.76.42.763.21Elmore Co.
Franklin Co.3,47682.748.073.65.817.316. Co.
Fremont Co.3,88578.039.567.96.922. Co.
Gem Co.5,53975.434.063.48.424.620.89.92.703.12Gem Co.
Gooding Co.5,04673.736.161.97.626.322.011.52.763.22Gooding Co.
Idaho Co.6,08470.629.260.86.329.425.311.72.462.95Idaho Co.
Jefferson Co.5,90182.747.672.66.817.315. Co.
Jerome Co.6,29876.339.163.87.623.719.58.72.893.33Jerome Co.
Kootenai Co.41,30871.834.958. Co.
Latah Co.13,05959.527.950.56.140.526.36.32.382.93Latah Co.
Lemhi Co.3,27567.728.657.86.932.327.712.42.382.91Lemhi Co.
LocationTotal householdsPercent of total householdsAverage population per-Location
Family householdsNonfamily households
TotalWith own children under 18 yearsType of familyTotalHouseholder living aloneHouseholdFamily
Married couple familyFemale householder, no husband presentTotal65 years and over
United States


68.132.851.712.231.925.89.22.593.14United States


Lewis Co.1,55467.627.557.86.432.428.114.52.392.92Lewis Co.
Lincoln Co.1,44772.637.761.55.527.422.910.22.773.27Lincoln Co.
Madison Co.7,12968. Co.
Minidoka Co.6,97376.938.964. Co.
Nez Perce Co.15,28666.429.052.89.333.626.711.32.402.90Nez Perce Co.
Oneida Co.1,43076.438.468.54.523.622.511.92.853.35Oneida Co.
Owyhee Co.3,71074.337.861.28.725.721.89.52.853.35Owyhee Co.
Payette Co.7,37175.637.762.09.324.420.69.52.783.21Payette Co.
Power Co.2,56076.940.963.48.823. Co.
Shoshone Co.5,90665.326.752.78.134.729.413.62.302.82Shoshone Co.
Teton Co.2,07870.539.760.35.829.521.35.32.873.43Teton Co.
Twin Falls Co.23,85371.134.758.09.228.923.610.42.643.13Twin Falls Co.
Valley Co.3,20870. Co.
Washington Co.3,76272.832.760. Co.

Reading the Chart:

The entries under the Percent of total households headings are percentages. The "Family households Total" and "Nonfamily households Total" percentages add up to approximately 100%. The subheadings underneath do not add up to 100%, because they do not include all the types of households. For example, there is no subheading for "Male householder, no wife present.". The colored bars fill the cells in proportion to the percentage value.

The entries under the Average population per- heading are averages of the number of people in each family or household. Here the colored bars indicate a percentage of an arbitrary maximum (5). For example, the colored bar for an average family size of 2.5 fills half of the table cell.

Total Households counts households, not people. Here the colored bars represent percentages of the highest household count of any county in the state. For example, the county with the most households will have a colored bar that fills the cell. A county with half that many households will have a colored bar that fills half the cell. For small percentages the bar does not appear.

Census Department definitions:

A household includes all of the people who occupy a housing unit. A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied (or if vacant, intended for occupancy) as separate living quarters.
A family includes a householder and one or more other people living in the same household who are related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption.

Abbreviations used in location names: Co.=County, C.A.=Census Area, Pa.=Parish, Mu.=Municipio.

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