Census Charts Index > South Carolina
Population, Areas, and Housing Density for South Carolina counties are shown in this easy-to-read table and chart combination.
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census.
Location | Population | Housing units | Area in square miles | Density per square mile of land area | Location | |||
Total area | Water area | Land area | Population | Housing units | ||||
United States | 281,421,906 | 115,904,641 | 3,794,083.06 | 256,644.62 | 3,537,438.44 | 79.6 | 32.8 | United States |
South Carolina | 4,012,012 | 1,753,670 | 32,020.20 | 1,910.73 | 30,109.47 | 133.2 | 58.2 | South Carolina |
Abbeville Co. | 26,167 | 11,656 | 511.05 | 3.02 | 508.03 | 51.5 | 22.9 | Abbeville Co. |
Aiken Co. | 142,552 | 61,987 | 1,080.46 | 7.79 | 1,072.66 | 132.9 | 57.8 | Aiken Co. |
Allendale Co. | 11,211 | 4,568 | 412.58 | 4.38 | 408.20 | 27.5 | 11.2 | Allendale Co. |
Anderson Co. | 165,740 | 73,213 | 757.45 | 39.43 | 718.02 | 230.8 | 102.0 | Anderson Co. |
Bamberg Co. | 16,658 | 7,130 | 395.47 | 2.22 | 393.25 | 42.4 | 18.1 | Bamberg Co. |
Barnwell Co. | 23,478 | 10,191 | 557.25 | 8.84 | 548.41 | 42.8 | 18.6 | Barnwell Co. |
Beaufort Co. | 120,937 | 60,509 | 922.88 | 336.03 | 586.86 | 206.1 | 103.1 | Beaufort Co. |
Berkeley Co. | 142,651 | 54,717 | 1,228.07 | 130.35 | 1,097.72 | 130.0 | 49.8 | Berkeley Co. |
Calhoun Co. | 15,185 | 6,864 | 392.34 | 12.11 | 380.22 | 39.9 | 18.1 | Calhoun Co. |
Charleston Co. | 309,969 | 141,031 | 1,358.11 | 439.61 | 918.51 | 337.5 | 153.5 | Charleston Co. |
Cherokee Co. | 52,537 | 22,400 | 397.28 | 4.59 | 392.69 | 133.8 | 57.0 | Cherokee Co. |
Chester Co. | 34,068 | 14,374 | 586.16 | 5.64 | 580.52 | 58.7 | 24.8 | Chester Co. |
Chesterfield Co. | 42,768 | 18,818 | 805.78 | 7.18 | 798.60 | 53.6 | 23.6 | Chesterfield Co. |
Clarendon Co. | 32,502 | 15,303 | 695.66 | 88.46 | 607.21 | 53.5 | 25.2 | Clarendon Co. |
Colleton Co. | 38,264 | 18,129 | 1,133.21 | 76.86 | 1,056.36 | 36.2 | 17.2 | Colleton Co. |
Darlington Co. | 67,394 | 28,942 | 566.78 | 5.63 | 561.14 | 120.1 | 51.6 | Darlington Co. |
Dillon Co. | 30,722 | 12,679 | 406.54 | 1.70 | 404.84 | 75.9 | 31.3 | Dillon Co. |
Dorchester Co. | 96,413 | 37,237 | 576.69 | 1.96 | 574.73 | 167.8 | 64.8 | Dorchester Co. |
Edgefield Co. | 24,595 | 9,223 | 506.54 | 4.64 | 501.89 | 49.0 | 18.4 | Edgefield Co. |
Fairfield Co. | 23,454 | 10,383 | 709.93 | 23.34 | 686.59 | 34.2 | 15.1 | Fairfield Co. |
Florence Co. | 125,761 | 51,836 | 803.74 | 3.90 | 799.84 | 157.2 | 64.8 | Florence Co. |
Georgetown Co. | 55,797 | 28,282 | 1,035.00 | 220.16 | 814.83 | 68.5 | 34.7 | Georgetown Co. |
Greenville Co. | 379,616 | 162,803 | 794.96 | 4.88 | 790.08 | 480.5 | 206.1 | Greenville Co. |
Greenwood Co. | 66,271 | 28,243 | 462.94 | 7.42 | 455.52 | 145.5 | 62.0 | Greenwood Co. |
Hampton Co. | 21,386 | 8,582 | 562.63 | 2.85 | 559.78 | 38.2 | 15.3 | Hampton Co. |
Horry Co. | 196,629 | 122,085 | 1,254.96 | 121.28 | 1,133.68 | 173.4 | 107.7 | Horry Co. |
Jasper Co. | 20,678 | 7,928 | 699.79 | 43.67 | 656.12 | 31.5 | 12.1 | Jasper Co. |
Kershaw Co. | 52,647 | 22,683 | 740.25 | 14.00 | 726.26 | 72.5 | 31.2 | Kershaw Co. |
Lancaster Co. | 61,351 | 24,962 | 555.29 | 6.30 | 548.99 | 111.8 | 45.5 | Lancaster Co. |
Laurens Co. | 69,567 | 30,239 | 723.98 | 8.87 | 715.11 | 97.3 | 42.3 | Laurens Co. |
Location | Population | Housing units | Area in square miles | Density per square mile of land area | Location | |||
Total area | Water area | Land area | Population | Housing units | ||||
United States | 281,421,906 | 115,904,641 | 3,794,083.06 | 256,644.62 | 3,537,438.44 | 79.6 | 32.8 | United States |
South Carolina | 4,012,012 | 1,753,670 | 32,020.20 | 1,910.73 | 30,109.47 | 133.2 | 58.2 | South Carolina |
Lee Co. | 20,119 | 7,670 | 411.30 | 1.00 | 410.30 | 49.0 | 18.7 | Lee Co. |
Lexington Co. | 216,014 | 90,978 | 757.88 | 58.63 | 699.25 | 308.9 | 130.1 | Lexington Co. |
McCormick Co. | 9,958 | 4,459 | 393.85 | 34.29 | 359.56 | 27.7 | 12.4 | McCormick Co. |
Marion Co. | 35,466 | 15,143 | 494.09 | 5.03 | 489.06 | 72.5 | 31.0 | Marion Co. |
Marlboro Co. | 28,818 | 11,894 | 485.28 | 5.57 | 479.71 | 60.1 | 24.8 | Marlboro Co. |
Newberry Co. | 36,108 | 16,805 | 647.28 | 16.51 | 630.77 | 57.2 | 26.6 | Newberry Co. |
Oconee Co. | 66,215 | 32,383 | 673.58 | 48.17 | 625.41 | 105.9 | 51.8 | Oconee Co. |
Orangeburg Co. | 91,582 | 39,304 | 1,128.09 | 21.93 | 1,106.16 | 82.8 | 35.5 | Orangeburg Co. |
Pickens Co. | 110,757 | 46,000 | 511.85 | 14.96 | 496.89 | 222.9 | 92.6 | Pickens Co. |
Richland Co. | 320,677 | 129,793 | 771.72 | 15.30 | 756.41 | 423.9 | 171.6 | Richland Co. |
Saluda Co. | 19,181 | 8,543 | 461.78 | 9.30 | 452.48 | 42.4 | 18.9 | Saluda Co. |
Spartanburg Co. | 253,791 | 106,986 | 819.14 | 8.22 | 810.93 | 313.0 | 131.9 | Spartanburg Co. |
Sumter Co. | 104,646 | 41,751 | 682.03 | 16.63 | 665.41 | 157.3 | 62.7 | Sumter Co. |
Union Co. | 29,881 | 13,351 | 515.92 | 1.80 | 514.12 | 58.1 | 26.0 | Union Co. |
Williamsburg Co. | 37,217 | 15,552 | 936.92 | 3.02 | 933.90 | 39.9 | 16.7 | Williamsburg Co. |
York Co. | 164,614 | 66,061 | 695.72 | 13.27 | 682.45 | 241.2 | 96.8 | York Co. |
The entries under the Area in square miles headings are areas.
The entries under the Population and Housing Units headings are totals.
The Density per square mile of land area values are derived by dividing the population (or housing unit) count by the land ares. For example, dividing the total US population of 281,421,906 by the total land area of 3,537,438.44 gives a density value of 79.6 people per square mile.
In this chart the length of all of the colored bars represent percentages of the highest value of any county in the state. For example, the county with the highest population will have a colored bar that fills the cell. A county with half that many people will have a colored bar that fills half the cell. The same method is used for the colored bars shown in the Area and Density table cells. For small percentages the bar does not appear.
Abbreviations used in location names: Co.=County, C.A.=Census Area, Pa.=Parish, Mu.=Municipio.
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Please note that if you set your browser to display very large text sizes, the table cell sizes will change, and the lengths of the colored bars will not be accurate, although they will still show proportions.
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